Ticks do not infest homes and properties so there is no treatment recommended for them. It is however worth inspecting your pet on a regular basis for ticks.
If in doubt please feel free to call 999 Pest Control for advice on 07775 8011909
There are numerous different types of ticks found in the UK. Closely related to mites. Ticks are parasites that feed on the blood of almost any animal, including humans. They have eight legs, like spiders do but they are much smaller in size.
It is common to find ticks on dogs and it is said that a dog gets infected with ticks at least once in its lifetime.
Ticks are to be found all over The UK typically found outside but brought indoors by animals and humans. They are more active from May to July, when the environmental conditions are ideal for their development.
Ticks are considered as garden pests, because they are often found in tall grass where they wait until they find the chance to attack a host passing by. A tick can transfer through physical contact or can even stalk the host.
Pest concerns
- Ticks spread serious diseases which can cause long term illness and even kill people.
- Ticks bites can transmit diseases from animals to human, the most common of which is the tick Lyme disease. Early symptoms of Lyme’s disease include tiredness, chills, fever, headaches, muscle or joint pain and blurred vision.
- Tick bites can cause anaemia, paralysis, various diseases or even death to weak animals. This is the reason why pest management is necessary for you and your pets.
Ticks do not infest homes and properties so there is no treatment recommended for them. It is however worth inspecting your pet on a regular basis for ticks.
If in doubt please feel free to call 999 Pest Control for advice on 07775 8011909