Should you have Mink problems 999 Pest Control can help you in a number of ways;
- Mink fencing is available to protect animals from Mink.
- Trapping is a very efficient method of control
Call us on 07775 801190 for free help and advice regarding Mink
Mustela vison
The North American Mink was first imported into The UK in 1929 for fur farming. Since them as a result of escapes and deliberate releases of the animal it has become widely established in the wild.
Mink usually live near water, preferring places with dense cover which can provide den sites. Mink will travel considerable distances from their dens in search of food. They are usually nocturnal. Mink are excellent swimmers.
Pest concerns
Mink are very efficient killers and fearless in their attacks. Mink have been known to attack pets and people. They will also predate on;
- Wildfowl
- Gamebirds
- Waterfowl collections
- Poultry.
- Fish (especially stocked lakes such as Trout and Course fisheries)
Should you have Mink problems 999 Pest Control can help you in a number of ways;
- Mink fencing is available to protect animals from Mink.
- Trapping is a very efficient method of control
Call us on 07775 801190 for free help and advice regarding Mink